Envirogroup - The Solar and Sustainability Experts

Vic Gov announces cap to solar rebate

Current Solar PV applications unaffected by cap announcement

Earlier today, the Premier of Victoria, Hon Daniel Andrews MP, announced a cap to the Solar PV component of the Solar Homes program. The program has been extremely popular, and interest has far exceeded the original estimate of expected applications.

From today, Solar Victoria has only another 2,000 solar PV applications for 2018-19. Once 2,000 applications has been reached, Solar Victoria will not be accepting any new solar PV applications until the program re-opens on 1 July 2019.

The Victorian Government appreciates the dedicated effort from solar installers and retailers to meet the tremendous demand for solar that has been stimulated by the Solar PV rebate.


Solar hot water applications are not affected by this change and will remain open.

Why the change? 

Once the program for 2018-19 is fully subscribed, capping the intake of applications will help us to:

  • prioritise and focus on existing applications in our database, and
  • monitor and manage targets of the Solar Homes program in a way that’s sustainable for both the industry and householders over the 10-year life of the program.