Envirogroup - The Solar and Sustainability Experts

A Guide to Environmentally Friendly Heating and Cooling

Looking for the right heating and cooling solution?

Choosing the right heating and cooling system for your home or business can be difficult. It’s a decision that needs to consider a number of specific factors and with continuing advancements in technology, it’s important to get the right advice.

To assess the best options for your individual needs, you need to first consider factors such as:

  • The size of the home or room you want to heat or cool
  • The size and position of your windows and level of existing insulation
  • How hot or cool you want the home or room to be
  • Number of occupants
  • Personal preference on ideal temperature and humidity levels
  • The local weather and climate in your area

So where to start?

Here is a guide from our heating and cooling specialists on refrigerated air conditioning.

Refrigerated Air Conditioning

Refrigerated air conditioning is a popular method and comes in two main types:

  • Conventional Units which operate the compressor at one constant speed, switching on and off depending on the temperature setting. This is referred to as stop start principle.
  • Inverter Technology which allows the rotating speed of the compressor to move up or down depending on the required output of the unit and therefore never switches off completely.

Refrigerated air conditioning with inverter technology is the more environmentally friendly and energy efficient option out of the two options.

Positives of Inverter Technology

  • You can save up to 30-50% of your energy consumption by installing a unit with an inverter compared with a conventional air conditioner
  • Units reach the desired temperature quicker and maintain it with minimal fluctuations
  • Ability to operate consistently when the temperature soars for cooling or falls for heating

Reverse Cycle

‘Reverse Cycle’ mode enables you to also heat your home with the same air conditioning unit. This means that in winter, your air conditioner can act as a heater and can either supplement or replace your existing gas or electric heating at often lower running costs.

Can it work with solar power?

Yes. For those home owners or businesses that have solar power installed of this type of system would in many cases have a zero running cost if powered by your solar system.

Size considerations

The appropriate sizing of the air conditioner is very important to ensure it does not work excessively and the inverter is used as it should be. Under sizing the unit means it will over work to condition the area it has been installed in. Seek advice from an expert to ensure that you are getting the right system for your home and needs.

Leading brands

Daikin and Toshiba are both reliable brands, with excellent build quality and have the latest technology and features that provide all round comfort 365 days the year.

From an environmental perspective, the refrigerant used by Daikin has 66% lower ‘Global Warming Potential Factor’ and Toshiba uses a non-ozone depleting refrigerant.

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